Henham, Essex

In 2019 Landhold Capital entered into a promotion agreement to bring forward this 12 acre site on the edge of the attractive village of Henham in North Essex.
Working alongside our consultant team and our planning advisors Strutt and Parker we designed a low density landscape led scheme. The masterplan above shows that nearly a third of the site will be given over to landscaping to assist in assimilating the development at the edge of the village. This is aimed at creating a high quality and distinctive landscape and public realm setting, while also minimising the impact of the development.
The scheme will provide 45 much needed homes including 18 affordable units, in addition there are significant opportunities for biodiversity enhancement and net gain which will have wider benefits.
We submitted an outline planning application in early 2020 and worked with key stakeholders to resolve any issues that arose.
The site was finally presented at Uttlesford District Council planning committee on the 17th February 2021. Whilst having a very positive officer recommendation for approval it was refused by the members.
We now have lodged an Appeal and look forward to this being heard later in the year.