About us
Landhold Capital is a strategic promotion and land investment company focused on the acquisition and promotion of land through the planning system.
We specialise in delivering residential development land to the open market and operate primarily within the Midlands and the South of England but will consider sites across the UK. We are an experienced team of industry professionals providing a dynamic and committed service. We add value to land for landowners and farmers.
We are privately funded and have an established track record of maximising value for stakeholders.
The UK is consistently failing to provide the number of homes it needs and has done so for decades. We believe in the need to provide homes for people in the UK and help facilitate this process providing sites with planning permission to the residential development market for house builders.
Formed in 2006 and based in Fitzroy Square
in Central London we have been successfully trading for over 15 years

Track record
Landhold Capital has an enviable track record in securing and delivering valuable planning consents on greenfield and brownfield land. We work hard to secure planning permission at the earliest opportunity whilst ensuring we maximise the value of each site. We take a creative and intelligent approach to masterplanning and drive commercial negotiation of 106’s agreements.
We trade land at the highest possible price and encourage competitive bidding by placing the land on the open market through recognised selling agents. The team has a huge breadth of experience and expertise which allows us to deliver value and planning on complicated and challenging sites. We are very proud to hold a 100% track record on all planning applications or appeals pursued to date.
We hold a 100% track record on all planning applications and appeals pursued to date

Landhold Capital is a pro-active and privately funded business focused on delivering a personal service to all stakeholders but particularly landowners and agents. Our highly experienced team are all committed hardworking professionals who will make special efforts to ensure we succeed. We have a selective portfolio and each project is very important to us.
We pride ourselves on the strong working relationships that we build with all of our landowners and agents. We pay fees for sites that are introduced off market, we will buy freehold land with planning potential or enter into promotion agreements, options and joint ventures. We aim to work collaboratively as a team and engage at all stages throughout the process from acquisition to disposal.
We can help unlock the planning potential of your land, please give us a call for a confidential discussion
We are privately funded and at any one time have access to substantial cash funds to invest in new project delivery and site acquisition.
We bring a bespoke team of experienced and highly regarded consultants to work on each project. As every site is different we match the skills from the pool available in the marketplace giving us the best chance of securing a planning consent and maximising the value of that consent.
How we can help you
Our overriding objective after entering into a promotion agreement is to drive value for the landowner and our own profit share. The crystallising of this value is of paramount importance.
In a promotion agreement the interests of both the landowner and promoter are aligned and the land is normally placed on the open market. This ensures competitive bidding and allows negotiation of the best possible price. This is unlike in an option where the housebuilder will try and buy the land for as little as possible once planning is obtained.
We know from experience that competitive bidding can significantly enhance the value paid for land by over 30%. The contrast between an option and promotion agreement is significant. To put this in perspective taking a hypothetical site of 150 units with an open market value of £15m we would deliver an additional premium of £4.5m.
Our model
We aim to FIND land with planning potential and carry out robust technical and legal due diligence to ensure viability and deliverability. We navigate the planning system to enhance value by INVESTING and delivering planning at our own cost, depending on the planning context and status of the land this can take anywhere from 2-15 years. We engage positively with stakeholders and the local community to ensure smooth delivery.
We aim to PROMOTE and submit planning applications at the earliest opportunity and are only remunerated for this cost when the site is sold. We work to secure our allocations within a local plan or challenge a five-year land supply.
We then DELIVER by selling the site on the open market for the best possible price. We drive the sales process and work closely with your lawyers and agents to ensure an exchange of contracts.